Thursday 11 October 2007

Home/School Communication

Autumn 2007
Class 5

Dear Parents/Carers of Class 5,

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about life in Class 5 and the exciting year we have planned. Class 5 is an absolutely wonderful class and we have bonded quickly, adapting to the changes this term...namely myself being a new teacher and our new location! But we are not alone, we plan to work alongside Class 6 whenever the opportunity presents itself and we are also having fun sharing our work via the blog. If I haven’t met you yet please feel free to call in at the end of the day, even if it is just to see some work your child is particularly proud of!


Defined as an online journal or diary, writing a blog is gradually catching on in schools and Class 5 has already begun to use one to improve their writing and ICT skills. It is also a great way to share what we are doing with other classes, parents, carers and relatives abroad! We have already received kind words from a thrilled grandparent who doesn’t always have the opportunity to see what her grandchildren have been learning and I know that some parents work long hours and perhaps having their children’s work a click away will compensate. If anyone would like to see what all the fuss is about there is a link from the school webpage or alternatively the following address can be typed in:


I will be sending a list home with all the words that your child should know how to spell this year. Of course, they will also focus on strategies to improve spelling in class and I intend to have other activities run alongside this. Memorising these words is different from being able to use them correctly in context, but I intend to check on the children to make sure they are making progress.

Interactive Maths

I am extremely grateful to the volunteers who have produced laminated times-table packs for each child; these will help your child rehearse multiplication facts at home as well as being used in class to quiz each other. Class 5 really enjoy quizzing each other and if your child can bring them in and out of school daily that would be helpful. You might like to quiz them also! As usual your child will also bring a maths game home on a Wednesday and return it on the following Monday, giving the children better opportunity to play the games with an adult on the weekend. As the games rotate there will be areas that we have not yet covered – on such occasions can I ask that you support your child by simplifying the game. From time to time I hope to share useful maths websites that will supplement these games and support those children who respond to more interactive maths.


Beginning with Geography this term, the children’s topic will be based around rivers, maps and the environment. This will feed into other subjects such as Art, where children have already begun to produce waterfalls inspired by Hokusai. Any links made to other subjects will be useful and add value - for instance the children will progress from mapping the familiar surroundings of their classroom to larger buildings such as Northleach church.


On Monday mornings the children are given time to brainstorm an idea for a display and divide what needs to be done between their group members. They have found making their own displays rewarding; producing really imaginative work whilst increasing their confidence and independence. It shouldn’t create extra work for your child at home unless they are particularly engaged by their idea! It is a good time for me to see how they negotiate with each other and it is particularly satisfying to be involved as a facilitator for their ideas, developing specific skills as their needs arise. I am already highly impressed with the improvements being made each week. I am sure that by the end of Year 4 your child will be able to brainstorm ideas, negotiate with other children and work within a time limit to produce quality work at the drop of a hat!


ICT will be embedded throughout the curriculum to ensure Year 4 maintain their skills, yet go one step further. I am teaching it as an individual lesson but links will be made wherever possible to other work e.g. last week the children used cut & paste to organise familiar rhyming couplets from a poem they had enjoyed in literacy. ICT equipment is not just for the teacher so having a camera monitor in class means the children record what we are doing; it helps them to evaluate their own work. They will soon have the experience and confidence to apply meaningful ICT wherever they see a need.


I have created homework folders for the children to keep the majority of their work. However, certain pieces may follow up work started in class so these will be added to their books. One thing I would like to do over the year is help prepare Year 4 for particular types of writing that occur time and again in test situations e.g. persuasive writing. If the children are presented with familiar writing tasks I hope to reduce any anxiety they may feel when presented with test situations. This is a fantastic class and I don’t want them to be judged by one performance.

Thank you to all those parents offering assistance, time and cake! My first few weeks in Northleach have disappeared at an alarming rate but I do intend to call upon those offers eventually!

Yours sincerely,

Mr Short

p.s Thanks to all those parents who attended the curriculum evening with myself and Mrs Bradley